About Us


Sky Is Falling Acres

Though its unclear if Chicken Little was actually an ancestor of ours, we live on top of the hills here in Mulmur township in Ontario, Canada - where often it can feel as if the sky is indeed falling!

Who We Are

Building our family farm on land handed down by my grandfather, we strive to build a small farm that focuses on healthy, well cared for livestock which in turn provide us with a premium product. Whether eggs or meat, we believe our small size allows us more time to focus on what is important: to us, to the animals and to you, our customer. 

3 Generations Working Together

Many people believe the small family farm is a relic from yesteryear. Here however we are working hard to preserve that very thing with three generations under one roof, working together to build a legacy.
How does this impact the things we can offer you? Not only is there a vast breadth of knowledge but also its hands on implementation allows us to see the smallest of issues and rectify it before it can impact the whole flock. This enables us to raise flocks of healthy, well cared for birds and helps to ensure that those that buy a bird from us are able to trust in its quality. We care about the food we put on our own table and put no less effort into that which we offer you.


Our birds are out in the fields of fresh grass every day. Fields that haven't been manipulated with fertilizers or sprays in more than 2 decades. They scratch and forage to their delight, doing what comes most naturally to them.

Not Your Typical Breed

Our laying flock is made up of a number of breeds of chicken, adding colour and fun to the flock. 
Our meat bird breeds are chosen because of their slower, more natural growth patterns and resulting meat quality. Yes there are other breeds that get bigger faster on less feed, but that is not what we are looking for. Quality over Quantity.

Balanced Nutrition

Did you know poultry birds are omnivores? Though a vegetable based feed ration is provided to ensure they have all the nutrients they need, the birds supplement their diet out in the fields. A well rounded diet ensures a healthy and happy bird.
Did you know chickens see a broader range of colour than humans?
-Animal Place
Chickens use more than 24 vocalizations to convey specific information.
-Animal Place
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